
Careers Education and Employability

The Lindfield School views learners’ career development as an integral part of their education which includes:

  • a process of personal and social development which begins in the home and continues through adult life.
  • a process of constructive learning whereby learners are given opportunities, experiences, and responsibilities to equip them for their adult life.
  • coping with choices and changes, and where possible, making informed decisions.
  • opportunities to consolidate and generalise skills to a range of contexts in the community
  • opportunities to gain relevant accreditation in preparation for work and employability

The Lindfield School first achieved the Quality in Careers Standard through Investors in Careers in April 2013. We have continued to renew the award every three years, most recently in May 2023.

Quality in Careers Standard Report May 2023

Investor in Careers is an accredited National Licenced Awarding Body for The Quality in Careers Standard.

The Standard provides a clear framework for the requirements of:

  • The Quality in Careers Standard accreditation criteria
  • The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance
  • DfE statutory Duty and Ofsted preparation



The Lindfield School is fully committed to:

  • The Quality on Careers Standard through Investors in Careers
  • Delivering the 8 Gatsby bench marks
  • Engagement with the Compass Plus tracking system
  • Working in partnership with an Enterprise Advisor and an Enterprise Coordinator

We are active members of the East Sussex Careers Hub. Careers Hub Logo jpeg (1)


The Lindfield School Careers Education Lead Contact:

Ben Gubb  01323 502988

Enterprise Coordinator: Jack Scott

Enterprise Adviser: Sara Hawes

Careers Overview at The Lindfield School

Careers and Education Policy

2024/25 Careers and Education Plan

Enterprise Coordinator

Enterprise Adviser

Learning Outcomes Years 7 to 11

Work Related Learning across the curriculum


Careers East Sussex


Higher Education / Further Education Providers

Quality in Careers Standard through Investors in Careers

CDI Learning Outcomes

CDI resources & the Career Development Framework 2021

East Sussex in Figures

Staff information

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